How to Create Email Signature With Logo and Other Visual Components
In this article, we have discussed how to create an email signature with logo and why it’s important to add a logo or symbol to your email signature. In the following sections, have pointed out the simple steps to Creating an email signature and inserting a logo for either Gmail or Outlook. You can insert a logo or symbol yourself. However, the most preferred way when adding visual components to an email signature is using an HTML email signature template. HTML email signature templates are very simple component HTML files that allow you to easily customize your email signature without the need to create separate email signature files for each application.
When using an HTML email signature template, you are able to preview the HTML code before inserting any styling or graphics. This allows you to see first hand how the HTML email signature looks like and what you have to do in order to customize it. HTML email templates look very much like a normal HTML email message, and so you are able to use the usual HTML email commands such as inserting image text, formatting and colorizing emails, etc… When designing one. If, however, you are unsure of how your HTML email template looks like, then you can also view the HTML email sample email that will provide you with a preview of what your customized HTML email signature may look like.
Finally, to add email signatures with a logo and other visual components, you will need to go to the ‘Settings’ section on the main ‘Mail’ menu. Once there, you will find a drop-down menu for ‘Show Add-ons’ where you will click on the option ‘Enable.’ This will then enable the features in the drop-down menu, allowing you to modify different sections like Signature, Forgot Settings, Style Sheet, etc… If you are not sure how to use the individual features, then you can always refer to the web help sections for these options.