How to update Internet Explorer

update internet explorer

How to update Internet Explorer: If your computer is Windows-based, you need to learn how to update internet explorer. This is perhaps the most used web browser in the World, used by millions of computers. Updating Internet Explorer will not only increase the speed of your web surfing but also make your computer more secure. There are different ways in which to update Internet Explorer, keep reading to find out how to do it properly.

Different Ways to Update Internet Explorer

If you want to update internet explorer, you first need to uninstall IE and then reinstall it. To uninstall IE use the Control Panel by clicking on the “Start” button then select “Control Panel”. Go to the Control Panel/Add / Remove Programs item and locate the “IE” application. Right-click on this icon and choose the option to remove it from your machine. If you want to update Internet Explorer, go ahead and repeat the same steps that you did for the first program above. Updating Internet explorer automatically removes the old version of the browser from your system.

The second method of how to update Internet Explorer is to use the Windows 10 Anniversary Update tool. This is available free of charge. You need to download and install the Windows 10 Anniversary Update software when you have completed this step go ahead and scan your computer using this tool. When the scan finishes, look for the entries that tell you where to install the latest version update. Double click on these and then follow the on-screen instructions. Follow these instructions to complete the process of how to update internet explorer.

Apart from these, you can also use the Windows updates tool to check for the latest updates. You need to download this tool and then go ahead and let it perform automatic updates. The beauty of using the Windows updates tool is that you don’t have to manually check for the updates. Once the update has been detected you will be given a choice to download and install the update. Choose to install the update and restart your computer to complete the process of how to update internet explorer in windows 10.

Update Internet Explorer in Windows Vista

update internet explorer

If you are using Microsoft windows vista, there is another easy way of how to update internet explorer in vista. There is a tool known as the “Microsoft explorer Assistants”, which is offered by Microsoft. This tool allows you to perform automatic updates on your computer. Just go to Start | programs | program | select | internet | add} Go to Start | add | programs | right click} Select add programs or options. Once you have selected add or options go to the left pane of the screen and click or hover over the word ‘Updates’. Once you have done this click or hover over the option named “Get Microsoft Internet Explorer updated with latest features automatically”. When you have done this, you will see an option on the right-hand side called “Download updates now”. Click on this and you will be given a choice to either download or install the update.

The third method on how to update internet explorer is for those users who use Microsoft browsers other than vista. There are actually two different ways of doing this. The first method is to go to Start | add | programs | program | select} Go to Start | programs | program | right-click | update} Select “Install/Uninstall” and go to the left pane of the screen and click or hover over the word “Updates”. Once you have done that, go back to your Start menu and select the program you want to update. Once you have selected the program you want to update, go to the properties and you will see a check box prompts for a location. Click or hover over the location and then click on ok. These are three methods on how to update internet explorer in Windows 10.

If you have any query you can ask a question here.

Also Read: How to uninstall Internet Explorer.

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